Our Work
Support in Prison
We run programmes in HMP Wandsworth, HMP Brixton, HMP Ford and HMP Wormwood Scrubs providing one-to-one support to residents.
We connect members with relevant agencies, develop community links and build release plans. Simultaneously, we form trusted relationships with our members, instilling them with the hope and readiness required for a successful transition into the community.

Through the Gate

The first days after release are critical: prison-leavers are vulnerable and often lack access to institutional support.
Release preparation includes advocacy with prison resettlement teams, external probation, and specialist providers for essential services like accommodation and drug rehabilitation.
CfG staff provide intensive post-release support, tailored to the needs of each member. Alongside attending probation appointments, this can include assisting with benefit applications, housing arrangements and accessing essential services such as substance misuse programmes.
Our goal is to support our members through complex referral processes and lengthy waiting times to ensure their smooth transition into the community.
After receiving immediate post-release support, members are paired with a trained volunteer who provide practical assistance, signposting and support in the months that follow. These one-on-one relationships are tailored to the unique needs of each individual, with mentees meeting their mentor at least once a fortnight. They may also attend probation meetings or make referrals to appropriate services.
Mentors are supervised by staff throughout the mentoring relationship and encouraged to attend regular training to enhance their understanding of issues such as mental health, homelessness and substance misuse.
Many mentors have worked with us for several years, helping to build knowledge and expertise across the organisation.

Next Chapter

This 10-week rolling programme aims to provide our members with peer support and equip them with the life skills, confidence and resilience to overcome their personal challenges.
An extension of the support offered through mentoring, Next Chapter is designed to encourage long term desistance.
Each week, different organisations are invited to run a workshop or present a talk in relation to a theme chosen by our members.
We have collaborated with over 20 organisations and have held workshops on mental health, music, writing, budgeting and more.
Next Chapter attendees have also been offered employment opportunities through group job trials.
The programme encourages our members to create community and mutual support while providing attendees the space to gain new skills.

Here are some outcomes of a recent course
Attendee A – has been unemployed for over a decade. He has been supported by us through prison, rehab
and now through our weekly group. Through this pilot he has now gained employment with Redemption
Roasters as a barista.
Attendee B - Also has been unemployed long term. His dream is to become a personal trainer. Through
this pilot he is now on an accredited training programme with the 3 Pillars Project and has been offered employment in their gym.
Attendee C – Has been homeless long term. In early sessions he was unable to speak due to anxiety issues.
He was a trained musician when he was younger and during our music session with ‘2 Make It’ he came out
of his shell and grew in confidence. He is now planning to record some songs with the programme.